Canna Mono Calcium
Introducing Canna Mono Calcium, the ideal solution to enhance plant growth in your grow room setups. This exceptional product stabilizes plant tissues and influences growth hormones, regulating vital water and nutrient transport within plants. Additionally, by using liquid calcium, Mono Calcium ensures rapid up take, increase cell tissue immediately.
When your plants need calcium or an extra boost for growth, try Canna Calcium. Moreover, Canna Mono Calcium, with 15% calcium (Ca) and no chloride, offers vital elements for growing plants. Furthermore, calcium plays a crucial role in keeping the structural and physiological stability of plant tissues. It fortifies the cell wall, influences growth hormones, and helps the transport of water and nutrients within the plant, making it a superior supplement ensuring excellent results.
The liquid form of this calcium mono allows for quick up take, allowing direct fortification of cell tissue. You can easily mix Calcium with other products, except when using concentrated forms with feeds that contain phosphate and sulfate.
Canna Mono Calcium is an effective calcium feed, combating deficiencies and stimulating growth, making it an excellent choice. The dosage is simple: dilute 10-20 ml of concentrate per 10 liters of water.
Please exercise caution when adding calcium, as an excessive dosage of calcium can lead to magnesium deficiency. It is crucial to determine the appropriate dose carefully to avoid harming your plants.
Choose CANNA Mono Calcium for optimal plant health and unparalleled growth stimulation. Don’t skimp on quality, and provide your plants with the perfect balance of vital elements they need to thrive. Enhance your growing experience with Calcium today!
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