Biobizz Fish Mix
Introducing Biobizz Fish Mix, the organic solution for all your hydro needs! Available in three sizes ranging from 250ml to 5ltr, Fish Mix is a rich infusion of organic fish emulsion from the North Sea, mixed with extract of Dutch sugar beet. This mix promotes organism growth and stimulates beneficial bacteria production in various soil and coco based substrates.
What sets Biobizz Fish MIx apart from other fertilizers is its strict adherence to organic farming requirements. Fish Mix is an all natural fertilizer without harmful additives, unlike others that contain acids or synthetic preservatives like BHT.
Fish Mix is versatile and usable on outdoor plants from initial growth to harvest for flowering period. Within just a few days of use, Fish MIx will transform poor quality soil into rich, fat soil, packed with the natural minerals your plants crave. It can be used in the first stages of a plant’s life or sprayed onto leaves during the vegetative cycle.
looking to combine Fish Mix with your All Mix, we recommend 1ml of Biobizz Fish MI x per litre of water. For Light Mix, increase the dosage to a 2-4ml dose per litre of water. For optimal results, be sure to follow the feeding chart on the packaging.
To sum it up
Fish Mix enhances plant growth, soil quality & microbes with organic, natural ingredients. Try it now for unbelievable plant growth.
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